About us
LP could mean
Living Pretty!
Living beautifully with love for yourself and for the others!
Living beautifully with love for yourself and for the others!
Achieving physical balance and both internal and external beauty
nearly always makes us feel uplifted
and tranquil.
Achieving physical balance and both internal and external beauty nearly always makes us feel uplifted and tranquil.
What makes us stand out,
in an area where lavish promises
are made lightly?
Our clients say
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Our Team
Κiki Kalaitzidou
Sophia Βakalou
Education & Partners’ Opportunities
At LP CLINIC we know very well how to train our medical and nursing staff.
We set individual training programs with a specific length of theoretical and practical studies (Hands on).
We are also open to new proposals and partnerships.
We are looking forward to collaborating with another clinic, patients selecting us upon recommendation of other patients collaborating with physician or professionals of other specialties such as plastic surgeons, dermatologists, hairdressers, beauticians.
Such partnerships can also be made with foreign clinics as part of medical tourism,by arranging accommodation and transportation to and from the airport.
Information on the procedure and the way of collaboration, by making an appointment with the officer in charge of LP CLINIC
Ms. Kalaitzidou Kyriaki 6945 908 491